
Ben Gromicko
"Everything You Need To Achieve Success"
As InterNACHI’s COO and InterNACHI® School’s CAO, Ben Gromicko is responsible for their daily operation, including the development, management, operation, improvement, and monitoring of the systems that create and deliver education and services for members. He is an InterNACHI® Certified Professional Inspector (CPI)® and a Certified Master Inspector® (CMI®). Visit www.nachi.org/ben-gromicko to read more about him.
InterNACHI’s COO & InterNACHI® School’s CAO

Lon Henderson
CMI® and House of Horrors® Instructor
"Electrical Inspections Simplified for Home Inspectors"
Presented by Lon Henderson, Certified Master Inspector CMI®, InterNACHI® Certified Professional Inspector CPI®, and Certified Instructor at the House of Horrors®. Learn how to inspect the electrical system, including the electrical panelboard components, during a home inspection. It is approved by the NC Licensing Board and InterNACHI® for 2 CE hours.

Matt Brodeur
Cornerstone Inspection Services
"Advanced Roof Inspection Training"
Presented by Matt Brodeur of Cornerstone. Learn advanced inspection techniques to apply during a home inspection by a certified roof inspector and master trainer. It is approved by the NC Licensing Board and InterNACHI® for 2 CE hours.

Ken Brittain
CASA Training Academy
"4-Hour Update Course, Part 1" and ""4-Hour Update Course, Part 1"
Presented by Ken Brittain from Casa Training Academy. This first part, combined with Part 2, is approved by the NC Board for home inspector CE. This class includes free access to 8 additional hours of NC-approved online CE by internachi.edu. The combined class is approved by the NC Licensing Board and InterNACHI® for 4 CE hours. CASA is an InterNACHI® Partner School.

Stephen Tucci
Spectora Representative
"Social Media Marketing Strategies"
Presented by Stephen Tucci and Josh Koontz of Spectora, the leading inspection software company. Learn how to market your home inspection business successfully through social media channels. It is approved for 2 InterNACHI® CE hours.

Josh Koontz
Spectora Representative
"Social Media Marketing Strategies"
Presented by Stephen Tucci and Josh Koontz of Spectora, the leading inspection software company. Learn how to market your home inspection business successfully through social media channels. It is approved for 2 InterNACHI® CE hours.